Previous Years

Last Updated: 02-Dec-2024

Date & TimePRO/RA NumberPetitioner(s)Respondent(s)SubjectRemarks
13-Dec-2023, 11:30:A.M. HERC/Petition No.-43 of 2022 DHBVNL M/s Saraswati Kunj Petition under Section 43, 46 and 50 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Regulation 8 and 9 of the HERC...
13-Dec-2023, 11:30:A.M. HERC/Petition No.-61 of 2023 UHBVNL Parsvnath Developers Ltd. and Anr Petition under Sections 43, 46, and 50 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Regulation 8 and 9 of the HE...
13-Dec-2023, 11:30:A.M. HERC/Petition No.-23 of 2023 B.K.Aggarwal CGRF, DHBVN and Ors. Representation under section 142 read with Section 146 and Section 149 of the Electricity Act, 2003 ...
13-Dec-2023, 11:30:A.M. HERC/Petition No.-60 of 2023 Gemco Energy Ltd HPPC and Anr Petition seeking directions from this Honble Commission for removal of certain difficulties which ha...
13-Dec-2023, 11:30:A.M. HERC/Petition No.-45 of 2022 DHBVNL M/s Uddar Gagan Properties Pvt Ltd Petition under Section 43, 46 and 50 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Regulation 8 and 9 of the HERC...
13-Dec-2023, 11:30:A.M. HERC/Petition No.-41 of 2022 DHBVNL M/s Malibu Estate Pvt.Ltd. Petition under Section 43 46 and 50 of the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 8 and 9 of the HERC D...
13-Dec-2023, 11:30:A.M. HERC/Petition No.-51 of 2022 DHBVNL M/s Ansal Properties and Infrastructure Petition under Section 43 46 and 50 of the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 8 and 9 of the HERC D...